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Strategies to Profit From Trading Perpetual Contracts in Cryptocurrency

Author: speicherx

Perpetual (Futures) are a derivative type that enables traders to speculate on the price movements of various cryptocurrency assets without owning them directly. When executed with precision and research, certain strategies can lead to lucrative outcomes in trading these contracts.

Unlike traditional futures, perpetual do not have a set expiration date, allowing traders to hold their position indefinitely. The lack of expiry dates in these contracts offers flexibility for both short and long-term investors, allowing them to strategically exit trades whenever desired. For instance, some crypto investors use perpetual as a way to earn quick profits with ‘scalps’ (orders held for a very short duration to catch a speculative period), or passive income via funding fees.

However, it’s important to note that perpetual are relatively riskier than most strategies due to the use of leverage. Leverage is essentially borrowed capital that lets traders increase the potential return on an investment. While you can control a $10k position with just $1k of your own money and amplify your profits, you also risk magnifying your losses. Higher leverage means you’re borrowing more relative to your margin, which reduces how much prices can move against you before your position is liquidated–-resulting in the loss of both profits and initial capital.

In this article below, we’ll explore some strategies that you can utilize to maximize your profit from trading perpetual contracts in cryptocurrency.


Benefits of Trading Perpetual

Some advantages of trading perpetual include:

  • Extended flexibility they offer with no expiration dates
  • Elimination of counter-party risk
  • Enhanced liquidity, ensuring smoother transactions
  • Efficient access to leveraged markets, allowing traders to amplify their gains


Key Strategies to Consider

1. Funding Rates

To make a profit with perpetual contract trading, it’s essential to understand funding rates. These rates can provide clues about short-term market sentiments, helping traders decide when to long (buy) or short (sell).

A negative funding rate means that long positions (buyers) will pay short positions (sellers). Conversely, a positive funding rate indicates that short positions (sellers) will pay long positions (buyers). The funding rate mechanism is designed to align the price of the perpetual contract with the spot price of the underlying asset.

For example, if a 1 BTC perpetual contract is priced at $29.1k while the spot BTC price is $29k, there’s a potential chance to earn for those who are shorting. If perpetual contracts are priced consistently higher than the actual BTC rate, it indicates that the market is leaning bullish, so going short would let you earn those funding fees. Conversely, if the contract price is lower than the spot price, a long position might be more profitable. It’s crucial for traders to monitor the market and stay informed about any news that could impact rates. By doing this, traders can minimize losses from fees and even use the funding rate system to profit.

2. Arbitrage

Arbitrage is a trading strategy where investors capitalize on price discrepancies between the spot price of a cryptocurrency and its perpetual contract price.

For instance, if ETH is priced higher in a perpetual contract than its current spot price, a trader could simultaneously buy Ethereum in the spot market and short it in the perpetual contract market. As the two prices converge, the trader can close both positions, locking in a profit.

Understanding and tapping into these arbitrage opportunities in perpetual contracts can lead to significant rewards, even for beginners. While the strategy presents a lower risk, note that the range of profitability varies significantly based on market conditions and is usually minimal compared to other strategies.

3. Speculation

Speculation is a prevalent practice in traditional finance markets and can also be applied to cryptocurrencies. The inherent nature of perpetual contracts allows traders to maximize profits largely through speculation and leverage based on their thesis. “Trend following” involves closely monitoring market momentum and events: going long during bullish news (like an ETF application by BlackRock) and short during bearish ones (like SEC filing lawsuit charges against cryptocurrency tokens).

By conducting in-depth research, traders ensure they are well-positioned to capture gains from both upward and downward price movements.

4. Technical Analysis with Charting Tools

In perpetual contracts, technical analysis paired with charting tools can be a game-changer for maximizing profits. The use of indicators like moving averages, RSI, and MACD to spot potential trend reversals or resistance levels can help identify optimal entry and exit points. On the other hand, chart patterns such as ‘head and shoulders’, ‘double tops’, and ‘triangles’ can offer insights into price breakouts.

Utilizing technical analysis and continually reassessing positions based on your insights can help traders stay one step ahead to optimize their trading strategy.

5. Risk-Management Techniques

Risk management is crucial when dealing with perpetual contracts. Using stop-loss orders protects your capital from complete liquidation during sudden market downturns. For instance, if you set a stop-loss at 20%, your order will automatically close when you incur a 20% loss, even if you aren’t actively monitoring it at the time.

By aligning your leverage with market volatility and adopting diligent risk management practices, you ensure both potential profit growth and capital protection in the volatile cryptocurrency trading environment.

Choosing the Right Trading Platform

A pivotal element of trading success lies in the platform you choose.

Our recent upgrade to MarginX 2.0 transforms the way users trade decentralized perpetual contracts with the “Automated Limit Order Book Market Maker For Perpetual Market” (ALO) model. This model gives our users the autonomy to determine their trading conditions, ensuring a fair distribution of fees and profits, and allowing liquidity providers the liberty to list any perpetual pair they desire. Our preference for the order book model, over solely the swap model, caters to a broad spectrum of market participants, an essential aspect given the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape.

We’re also currently running our ALO Testnet and rewarding those who participate!

Also Read: MarginX 2.0 — ALO Testnet



While perpetual offer various opportunities for users to amplify their profits, they require a comprehensive understanding. The techniques detailed above pave the way for potential success in this area, but with leverage, there can also be significant losses. Readers should conduct research and assess their personal risk tolerance.

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Always conduct your own research, DYOR!